Leading and Responding in Times of Crisis

We are in the early stages of an unprecedented global crisis. Our world has been greatly disrupted since February 2020.
This disruption has taken many of us away from our priorities and schedules, with the void often being filled with fear. The fear of loss of income, loss of job, loss of civil liberties, loss of health and/or the loss of a loved one.
In difficult times like these, effective leadership is required. Our families, communities, businesses, or non-profit organizations are seeking leadership - your leadership.
To help you lead in a crisis, the following are 4 simple truths about a crisis and 4 ways for leaders to respond.
4 Simple Truths About Times Crisis
Truth #1
While crises come in a variety of forms, they are not unique and times of crisis are common.
Truth #2
Time of crisis are inevitable. It is a case of when, not if, we will experience a crisis in our lives. As John Maxwell said, “We are not given an overcoming life. We are given a life to overcome.”
Truth #3
Crises are unpredictable. Up until a few months ago, the world had not seen this crisis coming. It did not know how devastating COVID-19 would be on its economies, employment, incomes, or on people’s health and lives. But here we are.
Truth #4
Times of crisis change us. We are either transformed or defeated. Leaders are made or broken.
Life after a crisis is never the same as it was before the crisis hit. Our family, community, non-profit and/or business will change. How we emerge is defined by our perspective or mental attitude throughout a crisis.
And, like every other crisis – this too will end.
Just as there are 4 simple truths about a crisis, there are 4 ways for a leader to respond.
4 Simple Crisis Leadership Responses
#1 - Effective leaders maintain the right perspective
Albert Einstein once said, “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” Dr. Napoleon Hill said it this way: “Every adversity brings with it the seed of an equivalent advantage.” Both made clear that opportunity, or the seed of equivalent advantage, come to those who have perspective. This is the right perspective, to look for and then seize upon the opportunity that will rise out of the time of crisis.
Having a right perspective is a choice, requiring a positive mental attitude and being intentional to keep and demonstrate this perspective.
#2 - A key crisis leadership strategy is to consult
Every successful person knows that success comes from seeking the help and cooperation of others. Leaders must effectively leverage the full strength of the success, experience, training, and knowledge of others.
Now is not the time to go it alone. It is the time to bring together a mastermind alliance or resource committee made up of two or more like-minded individuals committed to helping you and/or your organization succeed.
#3 - The effective leader responds by positioning themselves and their teams for the opportunities that will rise from the time of crisis
When leaders recognize the 4 simple truths about times of crisis and respond by having a right perspective, they can recognize new ways of doing business, new methods, and new ideas which were previously missed.
Leaders, there is a significant hidden potential right now.
The potential to read those books, take those courses, create new programs or products or rethink existing markets.
Now is the time to review everything you or your organization has previously done and reposition to meet changed customer or stakeholder needs – during and post-crisis. In doing so, we are focusing on the view ahead rather than the view from the rearview mirror.
#4 - Be confident and prepared to persevere
Clearly, our post-crisis world will be radically different than it was just weeks before the time of crisis. Radical times require radical action.
Leaders must be confident in their go-forward actions and related decisions. Those radical actions will likely be through uncharted waters. There will be no policies or procedures to follow. No established safety nets. With the support of their mastermind alliance, effective leaders proceed with confidence and persevere under trial.
Call to Action:
- Review the 4 simple truths about times of difficulty or crisis. In one or two short paragraphs craft the words that will help you put the crisis into context for those under your leadership.
- Determine and record how and when will you communicate these truths.
- Ask yourself this question - do I have, maintain, and demonstrate a right perspective or positive mental attitude especially during this time of crisis? Yes or No.
- Are you lacking confidence in your perspective during this time of crisis? Consider, then list 3 ways you will work to develop and maintain perspective or a positive mental attitude.
- Find a mastermind alliance group (2 or more like minded individuals) with whom to consult.
Your friend,
Jon, UpCloseTeam